The topics I would like to explore are:
· Characteristics of teachers who use seamless technology integration
· Student expectations of technology use for learning
· Under-utilization of technology resources on campuses
My discussion with my site supervisor is an ongoing conversation that includes these topics. She liked the idea of conducting a formal inquiry in the form of action research as it will provide insight that our department needs to continue providing current, research-based, data-driven technology professional development. These findings are necessary as we find that many times districts or campuses will choose a core subject staff development topic as opposed to a technology integration topic. Our department knows that technology has to be infused into the changing classrooms and so the topic that our discussion leaned towards is the underutilization of technology resources. She told me that I could choose but we feel that this would provide a lot of necessary information and will probably lead into the exploration of other related topics.
What qualities do teachers who seamlessly integrate technology into their teaching have?The purpose of this action research would be to examine practices including planning for, choice of and availability of technology of teachers who are comfortable with technology and use it as a daily tool to enhance learning experiences in the classroom. The benefactors of this research would be administrators who would see the comfort level of technology use, the types of tools being used and the impact on student engagement. It would allow sharing to occur with other teachers who are not using or are hesitant to use technology and give them methods to begin implementation of technology. Students would be impacted because as the teacher who uses technology effortlessly becomes aware of their practices they will be more comfortable in having students use technology for their own learning.
What are middle school students’ expectations concerning use of technology tools, software and the internet in learning?
The purpose of exploring this question is to qualify the perceptions of students about technology as a learning tool. Many students have access to technology but seeing how they would use it as a learning tool would give teachers new ideas of how to meet the needs of digital natives, increase engagement, and create a cooperative learning environment between students and their teacher. This research could also enlighten administrators and local education boards who are often hesitant to allow students freedom with technology. Ultimately this research could impact the delivery style of classroom instruction and reformulate parts of the curriculum.
The purpose of exploring this question is to qualify the perceptions of students about technology as a learning tool. Many students have access to technology but seeing how they would use it as a learning tool would give teachers new ideas of how to meet the needs of digital natives, increase engagement, and create a cooperative learning environment between students and their teacher. This research could also enlighten administrators and local education boards who are often hesitant to allow students freedom with technology. Ultimately this research could impact the delivery style of classroom instruction and reformulate parts of the curriculum.
What type of technology tools are available to teachers but not being utilized?
I have discovered through conducting technology integration staff development, that many teachers are not aware of available technology or do not know how to use it because there was no staff development provided.
The purpose of this research question would create an inventory of technology tools available, provide patterns of use, identify who is/is not using the tools, and lead to other questions concerning technology professional development. Those who would benefit first would be the teachers. They may find some technology tools that they did not know existed for their use. It would also encourage them to attend the staff development which would enable them to use them for instruction and ultimately for student use. Second, from my last statement, students would benefit because their teachers would be comfortable using the tech tools and this creates a more engaging environment for a digital learner.
I have discovered through conducting technology integration staff development, that many teachers are not aware of available technology or do not know how to use it because there was no staff development provided.
The purpose of this research question would create an inventory of technology tools available, provide patterns of use, identify who is/is not using the tools, and lead to other questions concerning technology professional development. Those who would benefit first would be the teachers. They may find some technology tools that they did not know existed for their use. It would also encourage them to attend the staff development which would enable them to use them for instruction and ultimately for student use. Second, from my last statement, students would benefit because their teachers would be comfortable using the tech tools and this creates a more engaging environment for a digital learner.
Most of my peers who responded liked the third idea, and I feel that it may be the most productive choice. --Barbara Sue